- Wearing headphones for just an hour will increase the bacteria in your ear by 700 times.
- The world's youngest parents were 8 and 9 and lived in China in 1910.
- Fish that live more than 800 meters below the ocean surface don't have eyes.
- Most household dust is made of dead skin cells.
- Negative emotions such as anxiety and depression can weaken your immune system.
- Grapes explode when you put them in the microwave.
- Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite.
- In York, it is perfectly legal to shoot a Scotsman with a bow and arrow (except on Sundays)
- The Beetham Tower cost over £150 million to build. The tower has 47 floors.
- Mexico City sinks about 10 inches a year.
- In France, a five year old child can buy an alcoholic drink in a bar.
- Because metal was scarce, the Oscars given out during World War II were made of wood.
- The electric chair was invented by a dentist.
- Bruce Lee was so fast that they actually had to slow film down so you could see his moves.
- Almonds are a member of the peach family.
- Humans and dolphins are the only species that have sex for pleasure.
- US Dollar bills are made out of cotton and linen.
- The 57 on the Heinz ketchup bottle represents the number of pickle types the company once had.
- Giraffes and rats can last longer without water than camels.
- 98% of all murders and rapes are by a close family member or friend of the victim.
- A B-25 bomber crashed into the 79th floor of the Empire State Building on July 28, 1945.
- The dot over the letter “i” is called a tittle.
- The Declaration of Independence was written on hemp (marijuana) paper.
- In Italy, 17 is considered an unlucky number. In Japan, 4 is considered an unlucky number.
- In ancient Rome, when a man testified in court he would swear on his testicles.
- The ZIP code means "Zoning Improvement Plan".
- 40% of McDonald’s profits come from the sales of Happy Meals.
- Albert Einstein and Charles Darwin both married their first cousins
- Camel’s have three eyelids.
- On average, 12 newborns will be given to the wrong parents every day.
- Chocolate can kill dogs; it directly affects their heart and nervous system.
- 55.1% of all US prisoners are in prison for drug offenses.
- Most lipstick contains fish scales.
- India has a Bill of Rights for cows.
- Half of all bank robberies take place on a Friday.
- The international telephone dialing code for Antarctica is 672.
- The first bomb the Allies dropped on Berlin in WWII killed the only elephant in the Berlin Zoo.
- The first CD pressed in the US was Bruce Springsteen’s “Born in the USA”.
- Charlie Chaplin once won third prize in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike contest.
- Chewing gum while peeling onions will keep you from crying.
- The Guinness Book of Records holds the record for being the book most often stolen from Libraries.
- Bats always turn left when exiting a cave.
- China has more English speakers than the United States.
- About 500 movies are made in the US and 800 in India annually.
- The February of 1865 is the only month in recorded history not to have a full moon.
- On a Canadian two-dollar bill, the American flag is flying over the Parliament Building.
- Venus is the only planet that rotates clockwise.
- A cockroach will live nine days without its head before it starves to death.
- Los Angeles’ full name is “El Pueblo de Nuestra Senora la Reina de los Angeles de Porciuncula”.
- The youngest pope ever was 11 years old.
- Donkeys kill more people than plane crashes.
- Shakespeare invented the words “assassination” and “bump.
- Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people do.
- Leonardo Da Vinci invented the scissors, the helicopter, and many more